Why you ask?

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My name is Jessica, I'm 24. My ultimate goal is to stop biting my nails and grow them out... They only way to achieve that is to keep them polished, therefore I have taken up the hobby of nail art. I am in noway a professional and just do this for fun. Feel free to take some of my ideas and make them your own! Also, PLEASE don't steal my pictures.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

And so it begins...

So here's the deal, I've always had a problem with biting my nails. Its a terribly disgusting habit and I am determined to over come it. I realized that the only way to do so is to keep my nails painted. Well... as I often do, I decided to go above and beyond and pick up the hobby of nail art!

Take a gander at my tool kit:

I must credit Pintrest.com for sparking my interest in this, I found a picture of technique called water marbling on there and I had to try it...

Now remember, this was towards the beginning so my nails and cuticles look a bit iffy.. lol. Anyway, I tried this a couple times and I found it to be very difficult and time consuming. Even though it makes really awesome designs, when done right, I think I'll steer clear of this technique for awhile.

While researching nail art I came across a blogger that utilizes scotch tape to make her designs. www.chloenails.blogspot.com is a great asset for ideas and tutorials... Here is one that I tried:

Pretty easy, but again my nails weren't in very good shape. This technique is called "Funky French". I will definitely be trying all of chloenails' techniques. 

Last website I want to give a shout out to is www.fuckyeahnailart.tumblr.com this site is dedicated to nothing but nail art and readers are able to submit their work. I go to this site for inspiration. Here's what I came up with: 

Of course this is my favorite so far! I used a dotting pen to make the polka dots. I've gotten TONS of compliments on these. I do have to say though, my right hand looks significantly better then my left, considering I'm left handed. Although, if I kep this up, I'll be ambidextrous in no time! 

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