Why you ask?

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My name is Jessica, I'm 24. My ultimate goal is to stop biting my nails and grow them out... They only way to achieve that is to keep them polished, therefore I have taken up the hobby of nail art. I am in noway a professional and just do this for fun. Feel free to take some of my ideas and make them your own! Also, PLEASE don't steal my pictures.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Just a little sparkle.

I finally got my Konad stamp plates, and let me tell you, they are FRUSTRATING! Haha. Why on earth would I assume they would be easy to use?? Needless to say, I need more practice before I post a picture.


I went very simplistic today. I spent all day at the Texas State Fair and I am currently exhausted, and in a food coma so I didnt have it in me to go all out. So here it is: Simple Silver Sparkle!!

It's soooo pretty and still fun. The polish is SinfulColors Queen of Beauty. You'll see that the majority of the polish that I use is SinfulColors. I definitly recommend it to any and all of you. They have great colors, its great quality and the best part, you get 2 for $3!!! So I suggest you get your butt off the couch and go to Walgreens and stock up! Haha.

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