Why you ask?

My photo
My name is Jessica, I'm 24. My ultimate goal is to stop biting my nails and grow them out... They only way to achieve that is to keep them polished, therefore I have taken up the hobby of nail art. I am in noway a professional and just do this for fun. Feel free to take some of my ideas and make them your own! Also, PLEASE don't steal my pictures.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lightening bolt!!!!!!!!!!

So when I first told my best friend Charlie that I was getting into nail art he thought it was awesome. He then proceeded to give me ideas on what I should do. His first suggestion was lightening bolt. I had played around with a few ideas and always had a clear idea in my head of how I wanted it to look, but could never execute. THEN I found this tutorial. Scotch tape is a really great asset.

1 comment:

  1. I think out of all the nails you've done, I like these the best!
